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Improving Your Winter Wellness with CBD Gold Drops

Winters can be particularly cruel to the body and mind. The chill in the air may put you at risk of contracting an illness, such as the common cold or flu. Some people find it hard to stay cheery and optimistic during those dreary months.

Though many solutions have been developed over the years, we believe that taking the natural approach is the best course to take for many. Why?

Research suggests that CBD (cannabidiol) has promising health benefits that will not lead you to feel “high” afterward. When this active compound extracted from the hemp plant interacts with the endocannabinoid system, you will likely notice its calming, anti-inflammatory, and reinvigorating effects on your body and mind.

CBD for Healthier Skin

One of the first things that change in your body when winter approaches tend to be the moisture level of your skin. Dry or reddened patches tend to appear on the limbs and face.

Furthermore, if you have an existing skin condition, such as eczema, psoriasis, or rosacea, you will experience more frequent flare-ups to the point of constant irritation.

Many of these unpleasant bodily reactions stem from inflammations in your skin. Therefore, what you need are remedies that can penetrate your skin and reduce irritation and inflammations quickly and effectively.

For this purpose, we recommend applying CBD oil directly to the affected area, the skin will absorb this natural compound and the anti-inflammatory effects tend to kick in within 15 to 45 minutes.

CBD for the Immune System

Taking CBD oil will strengthen your immune system, as long as you take the right dosage at the right frequency, your body will be better equipped against viruses and bacteria.

CBD oil combined with other essential vitamins and minerals like Vitamin C, magnesium, and zinc will increase their efficacy. With the right blend of vitamins CBD oil can enhance your protection against common winter illnesses.

CBD for More Energy

For some, the chilly weather can drag down their productivity and motivation. After all, it’s so tempting to just stay in bed under a thick duvet. Others don’t want to do anything at all because of their depressive mood, too.

Regardless of the cause, CBD oil’s rejuvenating properties can make you feel energized throughout the day. A 2014 study also indicates how CBD may help you stay awake during the day because of its effect on the body’s circadian rhythm. But also when taken in the evening it has the ability to help you achieve a better night’s sleep.

CBD for Less Pain

During winter, muscles and tendons tend to expand and cause bodily pains. They also lose their elasticity, thus increasing the risk of getting them torn or strained.

As mentioned earlier, CBD works as an anti-inflammatory so it can be used to reduce pain.

For instance, those who feel pain in different parts of their body due to arthritis or some other illness may get almost instant pain relief by taking CBD sublingual products (administered under the tongue). Taking a CBD dose through this method requires you to squeeze a tiny amount into the soft tissues underneath your mouth. You have to hold the oil in place for a short period before swallowing so that the thin membranes will have time to absorb the CBD.

On the other hand, if you suffer from localized pain, such as your joints, legs, or lower back, then you might want to also apply the CBD oil directly on the affected area as this will lessen the inflammation and eliminate the pain.

CBD for a Happier Mood

Did you know that around 30% of UK citizens suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)? This type of depression occurs during winter due to various factors, including the lack of sunlight and below-average endorphin levels.

CBD can bring you out of this depressive state when it interacts with your endocannabinoid system. Studies have shown that this natural mood enhancer may reduce your anxiety, lessen your stress level, and improve the quality of your sleep. All of these contribute to a lighter mood and more optimistic thoughts.

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